Yearly Archives: 2020

Getting started with JPLAY FEMTO

by admin
July 13, 2020


Highest playback quality on a PC, remote app on a tablet

JPLAY FEMTO is a complete network music software player created by fanatical audiophiles for the most demanding audiophiles.

The word ‘network’ does not imply that music files must be streamed over network. In contrary – it means that the best sound quality can be achieved by playing files that are stored directly on a PC which connects to a USB DAC.  Utilising network brings convenience that has not been available in the past with any JPLAY release; sitting relaxed on a couch and controlling playback by a remote app on a tablet or smartphone. Without touching the PC.

Getting started

  1. Download and run JPLAY FEMTO setup on a Windows PC that is connected to your USB DAC. The PC must be connected to Internet and home network’s WiFi. Windows 8 or later is required.

  2. Select the folders with your music files during JPLAY FEMTO setup.

  3. After successful installation restart PC. (this is mandatory)

  4. Make sure you have the latest driver installed for your USB DAC. (The built-in Windows USB Audio Class 2.0 driver is not compatible with JPLAY!)

  5. From Start Menu – Programs – JPLAY, open ‘JPLAY Settings panel’ to select your output device (‘Playing via’ field). By default the output is set to the best sounding playback method, KS (Kernel Streaming).

  6. Open a UPnP remote app on a tablet or smartphone connected to your home network’s WiFi; JPLAY for iOS  is highly recommended! , select JPLAY FEMTO as the renderer and JPLAY femtoServer as the library

  7. Voila! You can now play your music files at the highest possible sound quality.

  8. appmockup

TESTED REMOTE APPS:  Bubble UPnP (Android) mConnect (iOS), Kinsky (Windows, iOS, MacOS)

Buy JPLAY FEMTO or test-drive if for free for the next 21 days! Download FREE TRIAL

SPECIAL OFFER for existing JPLAY customers!

All existing JPLAY customers can upgrade to JPLAY FEMTO at almost half the price -  save 70 EUR!

To buy the upgrade at the special price, please transfer 79 EUR via PayPal to:

(only verified existing JPLAY customers are eligible for this special offer!)

Improve sound quality of streaming with JPLAY FEMTO

JPLAY FEMTO supports both files stored locally on a hard drive and music files in the cloud; online lossless music services such as TIDAL & Qobuz (including hi-rez Qobuz Sublime plan).

No extra configuration is required to benefit from JPLAY FEMTO’s unique sound quality also when streaming music from the cloud. You just have to log in to your TIDAL or Qobuz account in a remote app.,

Below are the screenshots showing TIDAL in : Bubble UPnP (Android) and mConnect (iOS). 0


Bubble UPnP on AndroidScreenshot_20200713-141229 Screenshot_20200713-141257 Screenshot_20200713-141308 Screenshot_20200713-141312 Screenshot_20200713-141442 Screenshot_20200713-141458 Screenshot_20200713-141539 Screenshot_20200713-141558

mConnnect on iOS
IMG-0691 IMG-0690 IMG-0695 IMG-0692 IMG-0693 IMG-0694

Spotify Connect

Thanks to HIFY app on Android it is possible to select JPLAY FEMTO as output in the official Spotify client.

All you need is an Android device (tablet or smartphone) with running HIFY app


Once the HIFY app is launched, JPLAY FEMTO shows up in any spotify client running in your network – on Android, iOS, MacOS or Windows. Below is a screenshot of the spotify app running on my Macbook Pro. As you can see, JPLAY FEMTO is listed as a ‘spotify connect’ device.


If you have any questions or issues please contact us at or post on our forum here: We are happy to help!


About the author

Marcin Ostapowicz is a recognized high-end audio consultant. Computer audio pioneer. Co-creator of the award-winning software, JPLAY. Manufacturer, curator and distributor of high quality audio products. Constantly strives for perfection of sound. Foundations for his breakthroughs finds in areas that others ignore.